Your benefits

  • Low cost of upgrading existing hotel TVs to Smart TVs
  • Channels at request: your guests have the flexibility to watch their favourite programmes at a later time
  • Added comfort of internet access via guest room TVs
  • Use of existing internet equipment (Wi-Fi/LAN)
  • Direct and focused presentation of in-house services
  • New platform – new marketing opportunities
  • Additional revenue possibilities by offering your guests a more extensive internet experience
  • Centralised management of personalised content
  • Central monitoring of smartupboxes and TVs
  • Smartupbox offers Wi-Fi access when used with LAN

Your benefits


Technical innovations will increase your guests’ expectations.
It will soon be standard for travellers to receive information in their native language. By providing internet access via TV, you will easily meet this standard by offering targeted content such as English or Chinese programmes (like BBC or Chinese News Online). Additionally, you will be able to present your own services just in time instead of having to wait for flyers from the printer. The smartupbox was especially developed for use in hotels. Without requiring any changes or additions, the system uses the existing network environment. In addition, existing wireless networks function well or even better than they otherwise would because the built-in Wi-Fi repeater amplifies the signal.

Your benefits


You can control and manage content comfortably on your browser from any internet-enabled workstation. Send messages to all hotel rooms simultaneously ("Live football today: final game on the big screen in the lounge") or to individual rooms ("Your taxi will be available at 13:00").

Your guests won’t be the only ones to benefit from improved communication channels! An attractive bonus is the access to media libraries for individual stations (such as RTL-NOW, ZDF and ARD media libraries) so you can help your guests find their favourite programmes. Now they can watch their favourite programmes even after they air!