Afdruk CEOs: Christian Otto (responsible for content), Jens Lodahl We will collect and use your personal data only under the provisions of data protection law of the Federal Republic of Germany. We will additionally explain the nature, extent and purpose of personal data use and collection. You may access this information at any time on our website. This website uses etracker technology ( to collect visitor behavior data. These data are collected anonymously to be used for marketing and optimization purposes. All visitor data are saved using an anonymous user ID and can be used to aggregate a usage profile. Cookies may be used for this purpose. Cookies are small text files that are stored in the visitor's local browser cache. Using such cookies, it is possible to recognize the visitor's browser. The data collected via etracker technology will not be used to determine the personal identity of the website visitor or compiled with personal data pertaining to the user of the pseudonym unless agreed to separately by the person concerned. The collection and storage of data may be revoked at any time with respect to subsequent services. Data transmission and recording for internal and statistical purposes
Ondamedia GmbH
Daimlerring 3
31135 Hildesheim
Phone: +49 5121-74977-0
Fax: +49 5121-74977-20
Amtsgericht Hildesheim HRB 3315
Tax-ID: DE 226226418Privacy policy
For technical reasons, your internet browser automatically transmits data to our web server when you access our website. Among other things, this may include date and time of access, the URL of the respective website, retrieved file/s, amount of sent data, browser type and version, operating system and your IP address. This data is stored separately from other data concerning the use of our services. It is not possible to map data for a particular person. The data is used for statistical purposes and then deleted.
Inventory data
If a contract exists between you or your hotel and our company, we may collect and use your personal information to the extent that it is necessary for content endowment or modification.
By order of the competent authorities, we may grant access to such data (inventory data) in individual cases to the extent necessary for purposes of law enforcement, safety, to fulfil the statutory duties of the constitutional protection of authorities or the military or for enforcement of intellectual property rights.
Use of data
We may collect and use your personal information (user data) to the extent necessary to permit the use of our website or for billing purposes. Your identification may also be accessed as it pertains to site use from the beginning to end of your use period.
For the purposes of advertising, market research and the design of our website, we may create user profiles using pseudonyms. You have the right to object to this use of your data. Furthermore, we may not merge the use of your profile with your pseudonym data.
By order of the competent authorities, we may grant access to such data (inventory data) in individual cases to the extent necessary for purposes of law enforcement, safety, to fulfil the statutory duties of the constitutional protection of authorities or the military or for enforcement of intellectual property rights.
We use cookies to extend the functionality of our website and use to make you more at ease. Data is stored on your computer when you visit our website with the help of these cookies. You have the option of storing cookies on your computer by blocking appropriate settings on your browser. Please be advised that the scope of operation of our website, however, could therefore be limited.
Right to information
As a user of our site, you have the right to request information from us about your stored personal or pseudonym data. This information can be provided electronically upon request.