Categories and offline PDF

It is now also possible to arrange apps with categories!
Did you felt you need more apps than the current limit? Did you find the current possibility to arrange
apps could be even more user friendly? With categories you now have additional options to organize the apps!

Requirement to use the new categories for existing mysmartup accounts:
Reduce the current app selection so that only five apps remain aligned in one row. Now it is possible to select one app from the type "Category" which will trigger the automatic design switch.
If you choose to remove all categories the design will automatically switch back to the known view.


Make PDF files available offline!
For HotelInfoApps you may now not only choose to provide own content, an external URL or upload a movie.
You may now also upload a PDF file for each language version of your HotelInfoApp.
This is recommended for bigger files which should only be downloaded once to your boxes as the PDF will remain available offline and thus saves bandwith.
For smaller PDF files like menu cards which change more often, you should try to create a HotelInfoApp and provide an external URL directly to the PDF file.
